Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thursday Lolita Photos -6-

It has been a busy couple of weeks for me so I have not been able to write on my blog, sorry everyone.
I went out last Saturday night with some of my lolita friends. We had a spanish dinner, walked around the city (near Chinatown, Sydney) to look in some of the shops that were opened late.
I shall put up photos and write more tomorrow.
And now Thursday Lolita Photos :D
(via Pop Lolita Lolipop)

(via Sugary Candy)

(via Pop Lolita Lolipop)

(via Sweet Lolita Fashion)

(via Sweet Lolita Fashion)

(via Sugary Candy)

For people who don't know yet, Angelic Pretty has just released their new line 'Milky Berry Series'
It's so cute, I really want the Blue in the JSK (the dress below)
Let me know what you think of AP's new line.

(via Sugary Candy)

If you have any photos that you would like me to post, email photos to me : sure the email subject is: Thursday Lolita Photos)


  1. hiya im a new follower
    i had look at those gorgeous clothes!
    that food locks ridiculously good too
