Saturday, April 16, 2011

Easter Lolita Meet Up

Last Sunday, I organised a 'Lolita Easter Meet Up'. We all met at 'Max Brenner' (a chocolate cafe). It was lovely to spend time with my lolita friends and to meet some new lolitas and we welcomed a few newby lolitas :D

I had (if I remmeber rightly) a Milk Chocolate Frappe,

It was sooo good!! I wish I had another one, well I will just have to go back!! :P
I took a couple of photos before we went to 'Kinokuniya' (japanese bookshop). Sorry I didn't take many photos :(
But at the next meet up I shall make sure I take more.

Before I go, just wanted to show you my new Angelic Pretty Wonder Cup Handbag. I love it sooo much :D

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