Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Worn Wild Market

On Sunday my friend and I went to 'Worn Wild Market'

(Me on the right ^.^)
(before I show any photos, just want to say it was very dark and I was using my phone Camera)

We walked around to see what stalls were there. I was also looking for 'Furr' to buy some hairdye (but they were not there)

Once we had walked around, we did another walk around this time talking to the stallholders. They were all very nice to talk to. The woman at the 'In Visible Light' stall invited me to a another get together/market they are having 'Steam Engine IX'

They had two fashion shows, 3pm and 4:30pm. Each fashion show showcased different clothes.

There is going to be another 'Worn Wild Market' in December
(Plus there are also going to be in Melbourn soon)